Master’s Degree


LINEAR SYSTEMS ANALYSIS (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Dynamic Performance of 1st and 2nd Order Systems and Stability. State Space: State variables, state vector, state space, state trajectory, State Space Model, State transition matrix, Time domain and frequency domain solutions, State equation from functions of transfers.

Bibliography: 1) Ziemer, R.; Trinter, W & Fannin, D - “Signals and Systems; 2) Continuos and Discrete”, Publishing Company, 3ª ed., 1983; 3) Haykin, S., VanVeen, B., “Sinais e Sistemas”. Editora Bookman, Porto Alegre, 2001; 4) Girod, B.; Rabenstein, R. Stenger, A. – “Sinais e Sistemas”. LTC, 2003; 5) Kwakernaak, H., Sivan,R., “ Modern Signals and Systems”. Prentice Hall,1991; 6) Ogata, K. “Engenharia de Controle Moderno”. 3a Edição, LTC, 1998 e 7) Norman S. Nise, “Control Systems Engineering”, Addison Wesley, 1995.


INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Introduction to Industrial Automation: Concepts and Definitions. Control of Systems to Discrete Events. Modeling of Control Tasks. Description of the Control Algorithm. Relay diagrams. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). PLC programming. PLC applications to Practical Systems. Petri nets. Development of Control by Petri Nets. Discrete Event Control Systems Design Methodology.

UNIT I: Advanced Modeling of Electric Machines and Frequency Inverters for Industrial Drives: Dynamics of alternating current machines; Modeling of electric machines in Matlab / Simulink environment; Modeling of static converters with PWM sinusoidal modulation; Modeling of industrial loads, including: industrial pumps and fans. UNIT II: Vector Control Project for Industrial Drives: Orientation based on the rotor flow of the induction motor; Orientation based on the stator flow of an induction motor; Orientation based on the air gap flow; Direct torque control; Exercises; PI controllers project types it for flow regulation; Design of digital PI controllers for speed regulation .; Performance tests in Matlab / Simulink environment; Performance test on industrial bench in laboratory. UNIT III: Embedded Systems in Industrial Automation: Architecture and peripherals of DSPIC Microcontrollers, Development Systems for DSPIC Microcontrollers; Microcontroller C programming; Exercises; Study of Modbus industrial protocol; Implementation of Modbus protocol in DSPIC Microcontroller; Practical implementation exercises and laboratory tests; Monitoring of industrial equipment with the developed Modbus embedded system.

Bibliography: : 1) Moraes, Cícero Couto de; Castrucci, Plínio de Lauro- 2001- Engenharia de Automação Industrial- Hardware e Software, Redes de Petri, Sistemas de Manufatura, Gestão da Automação- LTC- Livros Técnicos e Científicos Editora S.A. (leitura obrigatória); 2) Pires, Norberto-2002- Automação Industrial- Automação, Robótica, Software Distribuído, Aplicações Industrias- ETEP, Edição Técnicas e Profissionais, Lisboa, Portugal; 3) Rosário, João Maurício-2005- Princípios de Mecatrônica- Editora Pearson; 4) Fialho, Arivelto Bustamante – 2003 - Automação Pneumática-Projetos, Dimensionamento e Análise de Circuitos- Ed. Érica LTDA; 5) Natale, Ferdinando- 2000- Automação Industrial-Série Brasileira de Tecnologia - Editora Érica LTDA; 6) Silveira, P. R.; Santos,W. E. – 1998- Automação e Controle Discreto - Editora Érica LTDA; 7) Bin, Edson- 2009- Máquinas Elétricas e Acionamentos – Editora Campus; 8) Pinto, J. R. Caldas- 2010- Técnicas de Automação – ETEP-Lisboa; 9) Pinard, Michel- 2004- Commande Électronique dês Moteurs Électriques- 2e édition – Dunud- Paris- France; 10) Palma, João C. P.- 1999  Accionamentos Electromecânicos de Velocidade Variável – Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian – Lisboa; 11) Ong, Chee-Mun-1998- Dynamic Simulation of Electric Machinery Using Matlab/Simulink.- Prentice Hall e 12) Moraes, Cícero Couto de;  Castrucci, Plínio de Lauro- 2001- Engenharia de Automação Industrial- Hardware e Software, Redes de Petri, Sistemas de Manufatura, Gestão da Automação- LTC- Livros Técnicos e Científicos Editora S. A.


APPLIED COMPUTING (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Introduction to FORTRAN - Applications: Solution of non-linear equations. Solution of systems of linear equations. Numerical derivation and integration. Interpolation and approximation. Solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. Introduction to MATHEMATICA - Applications: Solution of non-linear equations. Solution of systems of linear equations. Numerical derivation and integration. Interpolation and approximation. Solution of ordinary and partial differential equations.

Bibliography: 1) CHAPMAN, STEPHEN J. Fortran 95/2003 for Scientists and Engineers. McGraw-Hill, 2007, xxvi + 976 pp., 3rd. Edição; 2) MÁRCIA A. GOMES RUGGIERO & VERA LÚCIA DA ROCHA LOPES, Cálculo Numérico – Aspectos Teóricos e Computacionais. 2a Edição, MAKRON Books, 1997; 3) M. CRISTINA C. CUNHA, Métodos Numéricos. 2a Edição, Editora da UNICAMP, 2000; 4) BLACHMAN, N. Mathematica: Uma abordagem prática. 1° ed., Pertice-Hall do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 1996; 5) MAZZA, R.A, Mathematica para Engenheiros, UNICAMP –Campinas, 1996 e 6) WOLFRAM, S. The Mathematica Book; Cambridge University Press, 3° ed., 1996.


ADVANCED CONTROL (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Introduction. Process Models. PID control. Controller Project. Tuning Rules. Automatic Tuning and Tuning. PID controller with advanced techniques: predictive, self-adjusting, fuzzy. General notions and main characteristics of systems with adaptive control. Real-time parametric estimation. Adaptive systems by reference model. Self-adjusting adaptive systems. Understanding stability, convergence and robustness of adaptive control. Practical aspects and implementation of real applications. Alternative schemes to adaptive control. Local Model Networks and Local Compensator Networks. Introduction. Systems Representation in the State Space. Solving state equations. Controllability, Observability and Canonical Forms. Representation of Multivariable Systems. Pole Allocation Compensators Project and Observer Project. Linear Quadratic Regulator problem. Design Technique in the Frequency Domain. Analysis by Phase Plan of Nonlinear Systems. Analysis of Nonlinear Systems by Harmonic Linearization. Fundamentals of Lyapunov's Theory. Stability according to Lyapunov.

Bibliography: 1) Karl J. Astrom and Tore Hagglund , PID Controllers: Theory, Design, and Tuning, Editora International Society for Measurement and Control; 2a. Sub edition , 1995, ISBN-13: 978-1556175169; 2) Karl J. Astrom and Tore Hagglund , Advanced PID Control, Editora  ISA - The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society, 2005, ISBN-13: 978-1556179426; 3) Aidan O'Dwyer, Handbook of PI And PID Controller Tuning Rules, Editora Imperial College Press, 2a edition, , 2006, ISBN-13: 978-1860946226; 4) Karl Johan Astrom and Bjorn Wittenmark, Adaptive Control: Second Edition, Editora Dover Publications, 2ª. edition, 2008, ISBN-13: 978-0486462783; 5) M Vidyasagar, Nonlinear Systems Analysis, Editora SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematicsl, Second Edition, 2002, ISBN-13: 978-0898715262; 6) Jianlong Zhang, Practical Adaptive Control: Theory and Applications, Editora VDM Verlag, 2008, ISBN-13: 978-3639047592 e 7) P. B. L. Castrucci e R Curti, Sistemas Não-Lineares, Edgard Blücher, São Paulo, 1981.


PROCESS QUALITY CONTROL (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Quality History. Main Quality Diffusers and their Approaches. Basic Concepts of Quality. The evolution of Quality Management. Main Quality Tools: Flowchart - Pareto Analysis - Cause and effect diagram (Ishikawa); Correlation Diagram - Histograms - Check Sheets; Process Control Letters - Brainstorming - Program 5s; 5W2H1S or the 8 questions. Introduction to Statistical Process Control (CEP): Introduction to the basic theory of control charts; Graph for X averages; Control charts for R variability; Individual Xi charts and mobile range (AM); Control chart p; Graphics for defects. Continuous improvement and innovation process - PDCA cycle. Process improvements: Introduction to the tools derived from the structures of the production systems: Just-in-time - Zero loss - Production cells - Kanban; Total productive maintenance (TPM) - Quality circles.

Bibliography: 1) PALADINI, Edson Pacheco. GESTÃO DA QUALIDADE: teoria e prática. 2. ed. 7ª imp. São Paulo: Atlas, 2009; 2) VIEIRA FILHO, Geraldo. GESTÃO DA QUALIDADE TOTAL: uma abordagem prática. 2a. ed. Campinas: Alínea, 2007; 3) JURAN, J. M., GRYNA, Frank M., Controle da Qualidade - HandBook. São Paulo: Makron Books/McGraw-Hill, 1991, vol. 1 e 2 e 4) MONTGOMERY, D.C., Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6th, John Wiley, 2009.


PROCESS CONTROL (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: History. Real Systems. Scenario. Definitions / Basic Components. Control Action x Performance Criteria. Conventional Control Theory X Modern Control Theory. Manual Control X Automatic Control. Open Loop Control X Closed Loop Control. Design Steps of Automatic Control Systems. Feedback Effects on: a) Stability b) Sensitivity c) Influence of External Disorders. Dynamic Systems Performance. Geometric Place of Roots (LGR). Base Transfer Function for LGR Construction. Industrial Controllers and Dynamic Compensators. Relay Type Nonlinear Action. Proportional action (P). Integral action (I). Integral Proportional Action (PI). Proportional Derivative Action (PD). Derivative Integral Proportional Action (PID). Controller Tuning Methods. Frequency Response Methods. Bode diagrams. Nyquist diagram. Nyquist Stability Criterion. Frequency Domain Specifications.

Bibliography: 1) Ogata, K. “Engenharia de Controle Moderno”. 3a Edição, LTC, 1998; 2) Norman S. Nise, “Control Systems Engineering”, Addison Wesley, 1995; 3) 3.Dorf, R.C.; Bishop, R.H. “Sistemas de Controle Modernos”. 8a Edição, LTC, 2001; 4) 4.Charles L. Phillips, Royce D. Harbour, “Feedback Control Systems”. Prentice-Hall, 1988 e 5) 5.Gene F. Franklin, J. David Powell, Abbas Emami-Naeini, “Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems”. Addison-Wesley, 1986.


DIGITAL SYSTEM CONTROL (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: History of control systems; Basic digital control structure; Types of signs. The Z transformation. Description analysis and properties of time-discrete linear systems and sampled systems. Characteristics of AD and DA converters. Hold circuit. Discrete equivalents; Conversion of differential equations in the state space to equations of differences in the state space. Analysis of sampled systems. Determination of closed-loop transfer functions. Basic definitions and theorems of stability. Stability criteria. Controllability and observability. Design method for pole allocation by state feedback and input-output. PID control and adjustment by Ziegler Nichols.

Bibliography: 1) Gene F. Franklin, J. David Powell, Michael L. Workman, “Digital Control of Dynamic Systems”. 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1997; 2) Ioan D. Landau and Gianluca Zito. “Digital Control Systems: Design, Identification and Implementation (Communications and Control Engineering)” Springer, 2006; 3) Coelho, A.A.R. e Coelho, L.S., “Identificação de Sistemas Dinâmicos Lineares”. Editora da UFSC, 2004; 4) Paraskevopoulos, P.N. “Digital Control Systems”, 1a. Edição, Prentice Hall, 1996 e 5) De Souza, C.P e Costa Filho, J.T., “Controle por Computador”. EDUFMA, 2001.


STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Methods and philosophy of statistical process control; Control charts for variables and attributes, cumulative sum, weighted moving media; Capacity analysis and measurement systems; Monitoring and control of multivariate process; Acceptance sampling techniques.

Bibliography: 1) SAMOHYL, R. W. Statistical Quality Control. 1. Ed .: Campus, 2009; 2) MONTGOMERY, D. C. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. LTC, 2004; 3) SIQUEIRA, L. G. P. Statistical Process Control. Pioneer Thomson Learning, 1997; 4) PALADINI, E. P. Quality management. Theory and Practice, 2. Ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2 004; 5) ROTONDARO, R. G. Six Sigma: management strategy to improve processes, products and services. São Paulo: Atlas, 2002; 6) DINIZ, M. G. Demystifying Statistical Process Control. 1. Ed .: Artliber, 2001; 7) ROSA, L. C. Introduction to Statistical Process Control. 1. Ed. Santa Maria: UFSM, 2009 e 8) CARPINETTI, L. C. R .; EPPRECH, E. K .; COSTA, A. F. B. C. Statistical Quality Control. 2. Ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2005.


FUZZY CONTROL (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Mamdani's Fuzzy System; Building Mamdani Fuzzy Systems at MATLAB; Strategies for Initial Adjustment of Design Parameters in Fuzzy Controllers: Fuzzy Emulation of P-I-D Control Algorithms; The Fuzzy Sugeno System; Building Sugeno Fuzzy Systems at MATLAB; Fuzzy Supervisory Control; PID controllers with fuzzy parametric adaptation; Digital controllers with fuzzy parametric adaptation.

Bibliography: 1) Kovacic, Zdenk; Bogdan, Stepan, ‘Fuzzy Controller Design Theory and Application’, CRC Press – Taylor & Francis, 2006; 2)  Driankov, D.; Hellendoom, Reinfrank- “An Introduction to Fuzzy Control”, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2006; 3) Farinwata, S; Filev, D. Langari, R.- “Fuzzy Control Synthesis And Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, 2000; 4) Hellerstain, J.; Diao, Y. Parekh, S. ; Tilbury, D.- Feedback Control Of Computing Systems, IEEE PRESS, Wiley, 2004; 5) Li-Xin Wang, A Course In Fuzzy Systems and Control, Editora Prentice Hall PTR, 1996, ISBN-13: 978-0135408827; 6) Shaw, I. S.; Simões, M. G. - Controle e Modelagem Fuzzy, Editora Edgard Blucher Ltda, 1ª. Edição, 2001 e 7) Da Costa Junior, C. T., Méthodes de Commande Adaptative Par Supervision Pour la Régulation d’un Générateur Entraîné par Turbine Hydraulique, Tese de Doutorado, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, França, 1999.


ENERGY EFFICIENCY (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: 1.Introduction: why use energy efficiently? World energy panorama. Brazilian energy panorama: current status and perspectives. Energy and development. Energy and environment. 2. End uses of energy: lighting, driving force. Electric circuits for electrical energy distribution. Air conditioning. Fluid pumping. Micro-computers. Steam circuits. Heat production. Cooling. Compressed air. 3. Fundamentals of economic analysis for energy efficiency programs. Return on investment. Cash flow. 4. Demand side management. What is GLD? Integrated resource planning and demand side management. Case study in Brazil and abroad. 5.Energy efficiency programs: technological options. Energy efficiency initiatives. Energy efficiency marketing. Forecasting the impact of energy efficiency programs. Tariffs, costs of energy efficiency programs. 6. Energy efficient use in buildings. Home automation. Control and demand management. Energy efficiency indexes. 7.Legislation: Standards. Public policy. PROCEL and its achievements. Experiences abroad.

Bibliography: 1) M. T. TOLMASQUIM, "Alternativas Energéticas Sustentáveis no Brasil". Editora Relume Dumará. Rio de Janeiro, 2004; 2) G. de M. JANUZZI, J.N.P. Swisher, "Planejamento Integrado de Recursos Energéticos Ambiente. Conservação de Energia e Fontes Renováveis". Editora Autores Associados. Campinas - SP. 246 P. 1997; 3) J. GOLDEMBERG, "Energia, Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento". EDUSP, 2002, Seg. Edição; 4) A. R. Q. PANESI, "Fundamentos da Eficiência Energética". Editora Ensino Profissional, 2006. 5) USP, Revista Estudos Avançados n. 59, IEA, 2007; 6) ELETROBRAS, "Pesquisa de Posse de Equipamentos e Hábitos de Uso", 2007; 7) A. H. M. SANTOS, et al Conservação de Energia: Eficiência Energética de Instalações e Equipamentos? Primeira ed. Itajubá-MG: Editora da EFEI, 2001. 467 p. v. Único; 8) A. THUMANN, Plant Engineers & Managers Guide to Energy Conservation. Oitava. ed. Georgia, United States of America: The Fairmont Press, 2002. 443 p. v. Único e 9) A. C. R. MASCARENHAS, "Avaliação do Consumo de Energia Após Melhoria nas Instalações Elétricas Internas e Substituição de Lâmpadas em Habitações Populares" Salvador - Bahia, 2002. 75 f. Dissertação Mestrado - Universidade Salvador.


QUALITY ENGINEERING (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Introduction to Quality Engineering: quantitative methods of diagnosis, monitoring and optimization aimed at quality assurance. Diagnostic tools. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control: Control charts for variables, Control charts for attributes. Process Capacity Studies. The quadratic loss function to assess losses due to poor quality. Design and Evaluation of Experiments: the experimental optimization of processes.

Bibliography: 1) Montgomery, D.C. (2004), Introdução ao controle estatístico da qualidade. LTC: Rio de Janeiro; 2) Montgomery, D.C. (2001), Design and analysis of experiments. New York: John Wiley; 3) TAGUCHI, Genich; CHOWDHURY, Subir; TAGUCHI, Shin. Robust Engineering: learn how to boost quality while reducing costs & time to market. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2000; 4) COSTA, Antonio Fernando Branco; EPPRECHT, Eugenio Kahn; CARPINETTI, Luiz César Ribeiro. Controle Estatístico de Qualidade. 2º edição. São Paulo: Editora Atlas, 2005; 5) JURAN, J. M. A Qualidade desde o projeto: Os novos passos para o planejamento da qualidade em produtos e serviços. São Paulo: Cengage Learning, 1992.


MATERIALS ENGINEERING (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Materials Science and Engineering: Materials for use in engineering and their properties. Review of chemical bonds. Interactions and atomic ordering in materials. Crystallinity and amorphous materials. Crystalline directions and plans. Polymorphism. Atomic disorder in solids. Perfect and imperfect crystals. Point defects. Line defects: principles of disagreement theory. Disagreements and plastic flow in crystals. Grain outline and polycrystals. Metallic phases. Introduction to the Fe-C diagram. Hardening and hardening. Fundamentals of elasticity theory: stress and deformation, Hooke's law and Young's module. Mechanical properties and the use of the yield limit in projects. Metallic materials. Ceramic materials. Polymeric materials. Composite materials. Principles of failure analysis. Materials Characterization: X-ray fluorescence. Absorption and PCI. X-ray diffraction. Infrared absorption. Colorimetry. Optical and electronic microscopy. Specific surface area. Particle size distribution. Dilatometry. Mercury porosimetry.

Bibliography: 1) ASM. Engineered materials handbook: ceramic and glasses. Ohio, 1991. v.4; 2) HEMMINGER, W.F.; CAMMENGA, H.K. Methoden de thermischen analyse. Essen: Springer Verlag, 1988; 3) RICHERSON, David W. Modern ceramic engineering: properties, processing and use in design. 2.ed. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1992; 4) WIDMANN, G.; RIESEN, R. Thermoanalyse: anwendungen, begriffe, methoden. Essen: Hüthig Verlag, 1984; 5) VAN VLACK, L. H. Princípios de Ciência e Tecnologia dos Materiais. São Paulo: Edgard Blücher; 6) WILLIAN D. e CALLISTER Jr. Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais: uma Introdução. Rio de Janeiro: LCT, 2000; 7) HIGGINS, R. A. Propriedade e Estrutura dos Materiais em Engenharia. São Paulo: Difel, 1982; 8) MORAIS , Gilberto Augusto- Ciência e Engenharia dos Materiais: 9) ASM – Metals  Handbook, 8 Ed. –Properties and Selection of Materials.1961; 10) J.F. Shackelford, Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, Prentice Hall, 5th Edition, New York, 2000.


ECONOMIC ENGINEERING (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Calculation and estimate of economic and environmental benefits of an engineering enterprise. Calculation and estimation of investment and operating costs of industries. Financial math. Criteria and methodologies for assessing the economic and environmental risks of engineering projects. Valuation of intangible assets. Assessment of economic and environmental impacts.

Bibliography: 1) CASAROTTO FILHO, Nelson; KOPITTKE, Bruno Hartmut. Análise de investimentos: matemática financeira, engenharia econômica, tomada de decisão, estratégia empresarial. 10. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2008. 468 p; 2) GITMAN, Lawrence Jeffrey. Princípios de administração financeira . 12. ed. São Paulo, SP: Pearson, 2010; 3) HIRSCHFELD, Henrique. Engenharia econômica e análise de custos: aplicações práticas para economistas, engenheiros, analistas de investimentos e administradores. 7. Ed. rev. atual. ampl. São Paulo: Atlas, 2009; 4) PILÃO, Nivaldo Elias; HUMMEL, Paulo Roberto Vampré. Matemática financeira e engenharia econômica: a teoria e a prática da análise de  projetos de investimentos. São Paulo: Pioneira Thomson Learning, 2003.


MATERIAL TESTS (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: 1 - Introduction to Material Testing; 2 - Mechanical tests: tensile test, compression test, hardness test, torsion test, flexion test, creep test, fatigue test, impact test, fracture toughness test, fabrication tests. 3 - Non-Destructive Testing.

Bibliography: 1) Skoog; Holler; Nieman: Princípios de Análise Instrumental, 6ª edição, Bookman, 2009; 2) Souza, S.A.: Ensaios Mecânicos de Materiais Metálicos, 5a edição, Edgard Blücher, São Paulo, 1982; 3) Chiaverini, V.: Tecnologia Mecânica, vol. 1, 2a edição, McGraw-Hill, Rio de Janeiro, 1986; 4) Garcia, A., Spin, J. A., Santos, C.A.: Ensaios dos Materiais, LTC, Rio de Janeiro, 2000; 5) Dieter, G.E.: Metalurgia Mecânica, 2a edição, Guanabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro, 1981; 6) ASM Handbook: vol 8, Mechanical Mesting and Evaluation, ASM International, Metals Park, 2000 e 7) Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas: Normas para Ensaios Mecânicos.


APPLIED STATISTICS (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Basic Concepts. Notions of Errors. Descriptive Statistics: measures of representation and measures of dispersion. Detection of spurious data. Inferential Statistics: Hypothesis Tests and Analysis of Variance Methods. Frequency Distribution and Characteristics. Introduction to Probability. Least Squares Method. Applications.

Bibliography: 1) BRUNS, R.E.; SCARMINIO, I.S.; NETO, B.B. Como Fazer Experimentos. 3ª Ed. Editora da UNICAMP, Campinas, 2007; 2) MONTGOMERY, D.C.; RUNGER, G.C. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers. 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2003; 3) STEVENSON, W.J. Estatística Aplicada à Administração. Ed. Harper & Row do Brasil, São Paulo, 1981; 4) BARBETA, P.A. Estatística Aplicada às Ciências Sociais. Ed. da UFSC, 1994; 5) LEVIN, J. Estatística Aplicada às Ciências Humanas. Harbra, 1978; 6) MORETTIN, P. e BUSSAB, W. Estatística Básica. Ed. Atual, SP, 1981 e 7) TOLEDO, G.L. e OVALLE, I.J. Estatística Básica. Ed. Atlas, SP, 1982.


DIGITAL CONTROL STRATEGIES (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Discrete equivalents; Basic definitions and theorems of stability. Stability criteria. Controllability and observability. Design method for pole allocation by state feedback and input-output. Digital PID controllers. Design of digital controllers with the aid of MATLAB. Implementation of digital controllers in microcontrollers.

Bibliography: 1) Gene F. Franklin, J. David Powell, Michael L. Workman, “Digital Control of Dynamic Systems”. 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1997; 2) Ioan D. Landau and Gianluca Zito. “Digital Control Systems: Design, Identification and Implementation (Communications and Control Engineering)” Springer, 2006; 3) Coelho, A.A.R. e Coelho, L.S., “Identificação de Sistemas Dinâmicos Lineares”. Editora da UFSC, 2004; 4) Paraskevopoulos, P.N. “Digital Control Systems”, 1a. Edição, Prentice Hall, 1996 e 5) De Souza, C.P e Costa Filho, J.T., “Controle por Computador”. EDUFMA, 2001.


TRANSPORT PHENOMENA (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Introduction to transport phenomena: diffusion and convection transport and basic laws. The amount of movement transport: Newton's law, viscosity, viscosity theory for gases and liquids. Non-Newtonian fluids. Balance equations for isothermal systems: continuity equation, motion equation and mechanical energy equation. Applications. Potential flow and boundary layer. Distribution of velocities in laminar and turbulent flow. Macroscopic balances for isothermal systems, thermal diffusion and thermal conductivity. Conductivity theory for gases, liquids and solids. The energy equation for non-isothermal systems. Temperature distribution in solids and liquids: non-stationary systems, the boundary layer. Mass diffusion and diffusivity: definition of velocities and flows, flow powers and transport equations. Theory of diffusivity in gases, liquids and solids. Transfer equations for multicomponent systems with and without chemical reaction. Concentration distribution with more than one variable: non-stationary systems, the boundary layer. Simultaneous transport of Heat, Mass and Amount of movement. Examples of applications.

Bibliography: 1) BIRD, R.B.; STEWART, W.E. e LIGHTFOOT, E.N. Transport Phenomena. John Wiley & Sons, 2ª Ed., New York, 2001; 2) HINES, A.L.; MADDOX, R.N. Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications. Prentice Hall, 1985; 3) CREMASCO, M.A. Fundamentos de Transferência de Massa. Editora da Unicamp, 1998; 4) SLATTERY, J. C.. (1999), Advanced Transport Phenomena, Cambridge University Press; 5) J. R. WELTY, R. E. WILSON e C. C. WICKS, “Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer”, 4ª Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2001; 6) ARPACI, V. Conduction heat transfer, Addison-Wesley, 1966; 7) BATCHELOR, G.K. An introduction to fluid mechanics, Cambridge University Press, 1967 e 8) GEANKOPLIS, C.J.  Transport  processes  and  separation  process  principles, Prentice  Hall PTR, 2003.


RENEWABLE ENERGY FUNDAMENTALS (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: 1) Introduction: - Energy saving; - Renewable energies and sustainability; -Comparison between traditional and renewable energies. 2) Renewable Energy Sources: - Small Wind Power Plants; - Small hydrokinetic plants; - Small Hydroelectric Plants; - Solar-photovoltaic, Solar-thermal energy - Hybrid systems: Eólio-Solar-Photovoltaic-Diesel - Biomass Energy Generation: Combustion and Gasification; Biodiesel and use of glycerol; - Energy generation from biogas; -Fuel cell.

Bibliography: 1) BOYLE, G. Renewable energy: power for a sustainable future. Oxford University Press, 2004; 2) FUCHS, E. F. ; MASOUM, M. A. S. Power conversion of renewable energy systems. Springer, 2011; 3) PATEL, M. R. Wind and solar power systems. CRC Press,1999; 4) KEYNANI, A. ; MARWALI, M. N. ; DAI, M. Integration of green and renewable energy in electric power systems. Wiley, 2010; 5) FOSTER, R. Solar energy: renewable energy and the environment. CRC Press, 2009; 6) NELSON, VAUGHN. Wind energy: renewable energy and the environment. CRC Press, 2009; 7) VILLALVA, M. G. ; GAZOLI. J. R. Energia Solar Fotovoltaica – Conceitos e Aplicações. Ed. Erica, 2012; 8) ROSA A., Processos de Energia Renováveis - 1ª EDIÇÃO, Elsevier, 2013; 9) LA ROVERE, E. L.; ROSA, L. P.; DOWBOR L.; SACHS I., Energias Renováveis no Brasil, Editora Brasileira - Núcleo de Estudos do Futuro/PUC-SP , 2010 e 10) SANTOS, M. A., Fontes de Energia Nova e Renovável, LTC, 2012.



Syllabus: Fundamentals and Applications of Solar Photovoltaic Energy: Energy from the Sun; Photovoltaic Conversion; Cell; PV module and generator. Basic Concepts on Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems (SFCRs): Basic Configuration of a Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System (SFCR); Classification; Main Components; Operational Characteristics of Interconnected Systems; Forms of Building Integration: Photovoltaic Generator Assembly Structures. Merit Figures for SFCRS Performance Evaluation: Productivity, Global Performance and capacity factor. Experimental Results of the Different Parts that Compose an SFCR. Design of SFCRs Applied to Dispersed Systems: Modeling and Dimensioning of System Components. Analysis of the Most Appropriate Configuration: Estimation of Electricity Production. Technical and Economic Feasibility Analysis. Safety and Maintenance Recommendations for SFCRs. Operational Characteristics and Power Quality. Regulation of SFCRs in Brazil: Normative Resolution 482/2012; Resolution NBR-16274. Application Examples.

Bibliography: 1) ZILLES, R .; MACÊDO, W. N .; GALHARDO, M .; and OLIVEIRA, S. Photovoltaic Systems Connected to the Network. 1st edition. 2012. Publisher: Oficina de Texto; 2) FRAIDENRAICH, N. Solar Energy: Fundamentals and Technology of Heliothermoelectric and Photovoltaic conversion. University Edition of UFPE. Recife. 1995; 3) BARRETO, E. J. F .; PINHO, J. T .; PEREIRA, E. J. S .; MACÊDO, W. N. Hybrid Systems: Energy Solutions for the Amazon. 1st edition. Brasilia. Ministry of Mines and Energy. 2008; 4) DUFFIE, J. A .; BECKMAN, W. A. ​​Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes. 2nd edition. 1991; 5) CASTRO, R. M. G. Renewable Energies and Decentralized Production: Introduction to Photovoltaic Energy. Ed 2.2. 2008; 6) SANTOS, J. L .; ANTUNES, F .; CHEHAB, A .; and CRUZ, C. A Maximum Power Point Tracker for PV Systems using the High Performance Boost Converter. Solar Energy. 80th edition. p 772 to 778. 2006; 7) PINHO, João Tavares, BARBOSA, Claudomiro Fábio Oliveira, PEREIRA, Edinaldo José da Silva, SOUZA, Hallan Max Silva, BLASQUES, Luis Carlos Macedo, GALHARDO, Marcos André Barros, MACÊDO, Wilson N. Project Development Manual for Communities Isolated from the Amazon: Hybrid Photovoltaic-Wind-Diesel Systems. Brasília: Ministry of Mines and Energy, 2008, v.1. p.118 and 8) BENEDITO, RICARDO DA SILVA, 2009. Characterization of Distributed Generation through Photovoltaic Systems Connected to the Grid, in Brazil, under the Technical, Economic and Regulatory Aspects. Master's Dissertation, Inter-unit Graduate Program in Energy (EP / FEA / IEE / IF), USP, São Paulo.


LOGISTICS PROCESS MANAGEMENT (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Introduction: Presentation of the Course. Introductory case on logistics processes. Basic elements of Logistics: Importance of Logistics. The industrial business environment. Emergence of Logistics. Definition. Flows and Logistic Processes. The Logistic System and its Management. Costs of Logistic Processes: Factors that generate costs. Formation of the costs of the main logistical processes. Calculation. Trade-off of the costs of logistics processes. Case study on cost conflicts between logistics processes. Methodology for calculating the costs of logistics processes: Structured methodology to calculate the costs of the main logistics processes. Medium complexity case solution. High complexity case solution. Special Topics: RFID and its impact on logistics processes. Milk Run as an efficient logistics process for supplies.

Bibliography: 1) BALLOU R. Gerenciamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos/Logística Empresarial. 5ª Edic. Editora Bookman, São Paulo (2006); 2) BOWERSOX D., CLOSS, D Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos e Logística. 2ª  Edic. Editora. Atlas, São Paulo, (2007); 3) CHRISTOPHER M. Logística e Gerenciamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos - 2ª Edic. Editora. Pioneira, São Paulo (2007); 4) DORNIER, P.ERNST R. FENDER M. KOUVELIS P. Logística e Operações Globais-Texto e Casos Atlas, São Paulo (2000); 5) LAMBERT D. STOCK J. VANTINE J. G.  Administração Estratégia da Logística.  Edit. Vantine e Associados. São Paulo (1999) e 6) NOVAES A.; ALVARENGA A. Logística Aplicada- Suprimento e Distribuição Física.Editora a Pioneira. São Paulo, 2000.


COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: From artificial intelligence to computational intelligence. Symbolic, connectionist, evolutionary and hybrid computational intelligence. Problem theory. Turing machine. Complexity. Heuristic search. First order logic; automatic proof of theorems. Higher order logic. Fuzzy logic. Artificial neural networks: Neuron Model, Topologies, knowledge representation and main paradigms of artificial neural networks. Fuzzy systems: fuzzy sets. Fuzzy rule set. Reasoning mechanisms. Genetic algorithms: Evolutionary programming, evolutionary strategies and applications.

Bibliography: 1) Russell, S.; Novig, P. - Inteligência Artificial, Elsevier Editora Ltda, 1ª. Edição, 2004; 2) Haykin, S. - Redes Neurais - Princípios e Prática, Bookman Companhia Editora, 2ª. Edição, 2001; 3) Shaw, I. S.; Simões, M. G. - Controle e Modelagem Fuzzy, Editora Edgard Blucher Ltda, 1ª. Edição, 2001; 4) Giarratano, J. C.; Riley, G. - Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Course Technology, 4a. Edição, 2004 e 5) Goldberg, D. E. - Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning, Addison-Wesley Professional, 1a.. Edição, 1989.


INTRODUCTION TO NANOTECHNOLOGY (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Introduction to nanotechnology (quantum confinement effect, properties due to size, surface effects). Techniques for preparing botom up and top down nanomaterials (sol-gel, colloidal methods, CVD, template etc. Main techniques for characterizing nanomaterials and their applications (TEM, SEM, IV, Raman, UV-Vis spectroscopy). Quantum-dots (basic concepts and examples). Carbon-based nanostructures - growth mechanisms, purification techniques; examples. Nanocatalysis (fundamental concepts and examples). Polymeric nanocomposites: classification, production, application and examples. One-dimensional nanowires and structures. (basic concepts, production methods and examples) Nanostructured films (basic concepts, production methods and examples) Metallic, ceramic and polymeric nanoparticles: methods of preparation, classification, characterization and applications;

Bibliography: 1) Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology ", B. Bhushan (ed.), Springer-Verlag (2004); 2)" Nanotechnology - An Introduction to Nanostructuring Techniques ", M. Kohler and W. Fritzsche, John Wiley (2004) ; 3) "Introduction to Nanotechnology", CP Poole and FJ Owens, John Wiley (2003); 4) "Nanoparticles - From Theory to Application", G. Schmid, Wiley-VCH (2004); 5) "Organic and Inorganic Nanostructures ", A. Nabok, Artech House (2005); 6)" Carbon Materials for Advanced Technology ", TD Burchell (ed.), Pergamon (1999); 7)“ Nanotechnology: Introduction, Preparation and Characterization of Nanomaterials and Application Examples ”, Duran, Nelson; Mattoso, Luiz Henrique Capparelli; Morais, Paulo Cezar. ArtLiber and 8) Specialized journals in the area.



Syllabus: The Importance of Energy. Types and Sources of Energy. Production of energy. Environmental impacts. Solar energy. Solar radiation. Solarimetry. Processing and formatting of solarimetric data. Estimation of solar energy. Wind energy. Formation of winds. Wind Potentiality Measurements. Processing and formatting of wind data. Estimation of wind energy.

Bibliography: 1) Several authors, ‘Engineering Manual for Photovoltaic Systems’, Working Group on Photovoltaic Solar Energy - GTEF / CRESESB / CEPEL, 1995; 2) Flaving, C. and N. Lenssen, ‘Powering the Future: Blueprint for a Sustainable Electricity Industry’, Worldwatch Papers 119, 1994; 3) Fraidenraich, N. and F. Lyra, ‘Solar Energy’, Editora Universitária, UFPE, 1995; 4) Fröhlich, K. and J. London, ‘Revised Instruction Manuals on Radiation Instruments and Measurements’, WMO / TD-No. 149, 1986; 5) Hickok, F., 'Handbook of Solar and Wind Energy', Cahner Publishing Company, 1975; 6) Jarass, L., L. Hoffmann, A. Jaras and G. Obermaire, ‘Wind Energy’, Springer-Verlag, 1981. 7) Rohatgi, J. S. and V. Nelson, ‘Wind Characteristics. An Analysis for the Generation of Wind Power ’, Alternative Energy Institute, West Texas A&M University, 1994 and 8) Scheer, H.,‘ The Solar Manifesto: Renewable Energy and the Renewal of Society ’, CRESESP / CEPEL, 1995.


APPLIED MATHEMATICS (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Ordinary Differential Equations. Serial Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations. Bessel equations. Legendre's equations. Chebishev equations. ODE solutions by Laplace Transform. Partial Differential Equations: Separation of variables. Approximate integral methods for EDP solutions.

Bibliography: 1) W.E. Boyce & R.C. DiPrima, “Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems”, 6th Ed., John Wiley, New York, 1997; 2) C.R. Wylie & L.C. Barret, "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", 6th Ed., Mcgraw-Hill, New York, 1995; 3) M.R. Siegel, “Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables”, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 1990 and 4) M.N. Özisik, “Finite Difference Methods in Heat Transfer”, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1994.


MATERIALS AND ENVIRONMENT (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Crystalline and non-crystalline structure. Crystalline defects. Characterization of crystalline systems. Microstructure and its control. Physical properties. Classification and selection of materials. Corrosion and degradation of materials.

Bibliography: 1) Smith, W.F. (1998) Principles of Materials Science and Engineering. Ed. McGraw Hill; 2) Van Vlack, L.H. (1992) Principles of Materials Science. Ed. Edgar Blucher; 3) Callister, W.D. (2000) Materials Science and Enginnering - An Introduction. 5th Edition. John Wiley & Sons; 4) Shackelford, J.F. (2000) Intrtoduction to Materils Science for Engineers. 5th Edition. Prentice Hall; 5) Telles, P.C.S. (1994) Materials for Process Equipment. Ed. Interciência, Rio de Janeiro; 6) Telles, P.C.S. (2000) Industrial Piping - Materials, Design and Assembly. 9th Edition. LTC Editora, Rio de Janeiro; 7) Bresciani Filho, E. (1997) Selection of non-ferrous metals. 2nd Edition. Editora UNICAMP, Campinas; 8) Budinski, K.G. and Budinski, M.K. (1998) Engineering Materials: Properties and Selection. Prentice Hall; 9) ASM (1995) ASM Handbook - Properties and Selection: Irons, Steels and High-Performance Alloys. Vol 1 and 10) ASM (1995) ASM Handbook - Properties and Selection: Non-ferrous alloys and Special Purposing Materials. Vol 2.



Syllabus: 1-Fundamentals of Scientific Methodology. 2-Scientific Communication. 3-Research methods and techniques. 4-Communication between students / advisors. 5-Norms for Elaboration of Academic Papers. 6-The research pre-project. 7 The Research Project. 8-The Experiment. 9-The organization of scientific text (ABNT Norms).

Bibliography: 1) KÖCHE, José Carlos. Fundamentals of scientific methodology: theory of science and initiation to research. 26. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2009; 2) LAKATOS, Eva Maria; MARCONI, Marina de Andrade. Fundamentals of scientific methodology. 3. ed. São Paulo, SP: Atlas, 1991. 270 p; 3) SEVERINO, Antônio Joaquim. Methodology of scientific work. 13. ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 1986. 237 p and 4) MEDEIROS, João Bosco. Writing manual and textual standardization: editing and revision techniques. São Paulo: Atlas, 2002. 433 p.



Syllabus: System; Modeling and identification; Systems description: continuous and discrete. Conceptions for Identification; Quality of the estimated mathematical model; Experimental computer identification; Adaptive control application. Classical methods for process modeling: first and second order processes; Modeling via frequency and impulsive response. Identification of systems represented by difference equations: history of least squares; Non-recursive and recursive estimator; estimation of time-varying processes.

Bibliography: 1) Coelho, J. A. R. Identification of linear dynamic systems, Editora UFSC, 2004; 2) Aguirre, L.A. Introduction to System Identification: Linear and Non-linear Techniques applied to Real systems, Editora da UFMG, 2000; 3) Astrom, K.J. and B. Wittenmark, Computer controlled systems; Theory and Design, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, 1990; 4) Ljung, L. Sytem Identification: Theory for the user, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River 1999 and 5) Ljung, L and T. Glad. Modeling of Dynamic Systems, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1994.


PROCESS MODELING AND SIMULATION (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Principles of Mathematical Modeling of Processes: Deterministic and stochastic models; to concentrated parameters and to distributed parameters, linear and non-linear, in steady state and in transient regime. Linear and Non-Linear Models; Linearization; Dimensioning. Heat Transfer and Computational Fluid Mechanics: Obtaining approximate equations - general aspects. Obtaining approximate equations - finite volumes. Convection and diffusion - interpolation functions. Three-dimensional convection and diffusion. Determination of the speed field. P-V coupling. flow at any speed - P-V / coupling. Bi and three-dimensional problems.

Bibliography: 1) HIMMELBLAU, D. M. Basic principles and cauculations in chemical engineering 6 ed. Pretice / Hall internacional, 1996; 2) LUYBEN, W. L. Process Modeling, Simulation, and Control for Chemical Engineers. McGraw-Hill, 1990; 3) C.R.MALISKA - Heat Transfer and Computational Fluid Mechanics - LTC Editora S. A., 1995; 4) Ferziger, JH, Peric, M., 1999, Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, 2nd ed., Berlin: Springer and 5) Tannehill, JC, Anderson, DA, Pletcher, RH, 1997, Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, 2nd ed., Washington: Taylor & Francis.


MASS TRANSFER OPERATIONS (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Separation processes: Separation of solid phases, solid-liquid separation and solid-gas separation, Centrifugation, Hydrocycloning; Magnetic and electrostatic separation. Separation by Denso (Gigagem). Liquid-liquid separation. Filtration. Sedimentation. flocculation, Magnetic Separation. Drying and evaporation: General drying principles. Drying controlled by external and internal conditions. Properties of solids and air. Drying kinetics. Psychrometry applied to drying. Drying equipment: principles, characteristics of projects and applications. Evaporation: Factors that influence the evaporation process. Vacuum evaporator. Single and multiple effect evaporator. Heat transmission in the evaporators. Boiling point elevation. Mass and energy balance in single and multiple effect evaporators. Crystallization: Industrial Crystallization. Nucleation. Cementation. Crystallization Kinetics Particle characterization. Crystal Growth. Precipitation. Introduction to the Population Balance Sheet. Precipitation Control.

Bibliography: 1) MOOB - Mineral treatment and hydrometallurgy. In memorian professor Paulo Abib Andery. Foundation Technological Institute of the State of Pernambuco (ITEP). Recife, 1980, 95-111; 2) ADÃO, Benvindo da Luz, Mario Valente Possa, Salvador, Luiz Matos; Mineral Treatment, CETEM / CNPQ - Rio de Janeiro; 3) STRUMILLO, C .; KUDRA, T. Drying: principles, applications and design. New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1986. (Topics in Chemical Engineering, v. 3); 4) COOK, E. M. and DuMONT, H. D. Process Drying Practice, McGraw Hill, New York, 1991; 5) Mc CABE, W. L. & SMITH, J.C. Basic Operations of Chemical Engineering. Barcelona, ​​editorial reverses S.A.Vol I and II. 1969; 6) VIAN, A. & OCON J. Elements of Chemical Engineering (Basic Operations). Madrid. 4th Edition. 1964; 7) MULLIN, J. W. “Christallizations”, 3rd., Ed. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992; 8) MARCO GIULIETTI Et al. Crystallization, IPT, 2001 and 9) TAVARIAN, N. S. Industrial Crystallization, Process Simulation Analysis and Design, ed. Dan Luss, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, 1994.



Syllabus: Separation processes: Separation of solid phases, solid-liquid separation and solid-gas separation, Centrifugation, Hydrocycloning; Magnetic and electrostatic separation. Separation by Denso (Gigagem). Liquid-liquid separation. Filtration. Sedimentation. flocculation. Adsorption. Transport phenomena in porous media. Leaching. Industrial Crystallization: Nucleation, Cementation, Crystallization Kinetics Particle Characterization, Crystal Growth, Precipitation, Introduction to Population Balance, Precipitation Control. Special topics of unit operations involving heat transmission. Special topics in unit operations involving heat and mass transmission.

Bibliography: 1) GEANKOPLIS, C.J. Transport processes and separation process principles, Prentice Hall PTR, 2003; 2) MOOB - Mineral treatment and hydrometallurgy. In memorian professor Paulo Abib Andery. Foundation Technological Institute of the State of Pernambuco (ITEP). Recife, 1980, 95-111; 3) ADÃO, Benvindo da Luz, Mario Valente Possa, Salvador, Luiz Matos; Mineral Treatment, CETEM / CNPQ - Rio de Janeiro; 4) STRUMILLO, C .; KUDRA, T. Drying: principles, applications and design. New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1986. (Topics in Chemical Engineering, v. 3); 5) COOK, E. M. and DuMONT, H. D. Process Drying Practice, McGraw Hill, New York, 1991; 6) Mc CABE, W. L. & SMITH, J.C. Basic Operations of Chemical Engineering. Barcelona, editorial reverses S.A.Vol I and II. 1969; 7) VIAN, A. & OCON J. Elements of Chemical Engineering (Basic Operations). Madrid. 4th Edition. 1964; 8) MULLIN, J. W. “Christallizations”, 3rd., Ed. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992; 9) MARCO GIULIETTI Et al. Crystallization, IPT, 2001 and 10) TAVARIAN, N. S. Industrial Crystallization, Process Simulation Analysis and Design, ed. Dan Luss, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, 19.


PROCESS OPTIMIZATION (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Introduction to process optimization; Mathematical formulation of problems; Basic concepts: Minimum and Maximum, Optimal Point Conditions, Convexity and Functional Forms; Optimization without restriction; Duality theory; Linear, Non-linear and Mixed Programming; Optimization of dynamic processes.

Bibliography: 1) HIMMELBLAU, D. M. Basic principles and cauculations in chemical engineering 6 ed. Pretice / Hall internacional, 1996; 2) KWONG, W. H.. Linear Programming. A practical approach. 1. ed. São Carlos: EdUFSCar, 2013. v. 1. 209p; 3) KWONG, W. H.. Energy integration. Heat exchanger networks. 1. ed. São Carlos: EdUFSCar, 2013. v. 1. 152p; 4) EDGAR, T.F .; HIMMELBLAU, D.M - Optimization of Chemical Processes. 2.ed. McGraw Hill. 2001; 5) PERLINGEIRO, C.A. Process Engineering: Analysis, Simulation, Optimization and Synthesis of Chemical Processes. Edgard Blucher. 2005; 6) Numerical Optimization - J. Nocedal & S. J. Wright - Springer, 1999; 7) Numerical Optimization - J. F. Bonnans, J. C. Gilbert, C. Lemaréchal & C. A. Sagastizábal - Springer, 2003; 8) Nonlinear Optimization - A. Ruszczynski - Princeton University Press, 2006 and 9) Nonlinear Programming: Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications to Chemical Processes - L. T. Biegler - SIAM, 2010.



Syllabus: 1- Introduction to Ceramic Materials: Definition of ceramic materials. Atomic bonds of ceramic materials. Crystalline structures. 2- Processing and characterization of ceramic materials: Methods of forming powders and ceramic masses. Heat treatments and sintering processes of ceramic materials. Production of Powders. Forming Processes. Sintering. Surface finish. Thermal analysis, electron microscopy, diffraction and x-ray fluorescence.

Bibliography: 1) Acchar, W. Ceramic materials: what are they? What are worth for? Ed. UFRN, Natal, 2008; 2) Norton, F.H .: Introduction to Ceramic Technology, Edgard Blücher, São Paulo, 1973; 3) Chiang, Y-M; Birnie iii, Dunbar P .; Kingery, W.D .: Physical Ceramics: principles for ceramic science and engineering. New York: John Wiley, 1997; 4) Van Vlack, L.H .: Properties of Ceramic Materials, Edgard Blücher / USP, 1973 and 5) Santos, P.S. Clay Science and Technology, Vol 1 and 2. Ed. Blucher.


WASTE TREATMENT PROCESSES (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: 1 - Liquid Effluents: a) Separation operations; sedimentation, particulate fluids, centrifugation, cyclonation, flotation - floats for ETE, stability of solutions and suspensions. b) Filtration and treatment of the pie (mud). c) Effluent treatment stations (ETE) - Application to different types of liquid effluents and design parameters for the specification of treatment plants.

Bibliography: 1) Cremasco, M. A. Unit Operations in Particulate and Fluidomechanical Systems. 1. ed. São Paulo: Edgard Blucher, 2012. v. 1. 423p. 2) DAVIES & CORWELL (1998). Introduction to Environmental Engineering .. 3) Sawyer, Mccarty, Perry (1978). Chemistry for Environmental Engineering. 4) Peavy, Rowe & Tchobanoglous (1995). Environmental Engineering.5) Eckenfelder, Jr. W.W., (1999) Industrial Water Pollution Control. 6) Metcalf & Eddy (2003) Waste Engineering - Treatment, Disposal and Reuse.


SMART ELECTRICAL NETWORKS (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: 1 - History of the evolution of electrical power systems; Conventional automation and protection systems. Smart Electric Grids - Smart grids; Concepts and characteristics (automation and control of the electric grid, smart metering, integration of sources of generation and energy storage); Substation automation (intelligent electronic devices); Distribution automation (detection, isolation and automatic fault location for restoration of the distribution service, control of the power flow and integration of the distributed generation); Transmission automation (systemic protection, control and monitoring schemes.

Bibliography: 1) Momoh, James. Fundamentals of Design and Analysis. Wiley-IEEE Press, 2012. 2) Galvin, r. Yeager, k. Perfect Power: How the Microgrid Revolution Will Unleash Cleaner, Greener, and More Abundant Energy. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009. 3) Gellings, c. W. The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response. CRC Press, 2009. 4) Chowdhury, s. P. Crossley, p. Chowdhury, S. Microgrids and Active Distribution Networks. IET, 2009. 5) Gouvea, marcos. kagan, nelson. Intelligent Electric Grids in Brazil - Analysis, synergy, 2013.



Syllabus: Classification of materials, physical or mechanical properties intrinsic to the materials, atomic structure and bonds, molecular, crystalline and amorphous arrangements of matter, atomic structures of metals, polymers, ceramics and new materials – composites, use of materials in engineering, Diagram of Phases (steels) and microstructures and properties of common and alloyed steels, specification of metallic materials. Types of Materials. Hardening and Steel Selection. High Strength Steels. Special Steels. Steels for Mechanical Construction. Cast Irons. Light and Heavy Non-Ferrous Metals. Materials for Tools and Dies. Organic and Inorganic Materials. Composite materials.

Bibliography: 1) VAN VLACK, L. H. Principles of Materials Science and Technology. São Paulo: Edgard Blücher; 2) WILLIAN D. and CALLISTER Jr. Materials Science and Engineering: an Introduction. Rio de Janeiro: LCT, 2000; 3) HIGGINS, R. A. Property and Structure of Materials in Engineering. São Paulo: Difel, 1982; 4) MORAIS, Gilberto Augusto- Materials Science and Engineering; 5) ASM - Metals Handbook, 8 Ed. –Properties and Selection of Materials.1961 and 6) J.F. Shackelford, Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, Prentice-Hall, 5th Edition, New York, 2000.



Syllabus: History of the modeling of biological systems. Data sources and measurement. Basic principles of physiology. Modeling of physiological phenomena. Compartmental models. Modeling disease transmission. Multiple models. Simulation of scenarios. Estimation of parameters.

Bibliography: 1) Istas, Jacques. Mathematical modeling for the life sciences. Springer-Verlag, 2005. 2) Wilkinson, Darren J. Sthocastic Modeling for Systems Biology. Chapman & Hall / CRC. 3) Hauschke, Dieter; Steinijans, Volker; Pigeot, Iris. Bioequivalence Studies in Drug development: Methods and Applications. Wiley. 4) Allman, Elizabeth S .; Rhodes, John A. Mathematical models in biology: an introduction. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2003. 5) Berne, R. M. and Levy, M. N. Physiology. Guanabara Koogan, 2004.


WIND / SOLAR / DIESEL HYBRID SYSTEM (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Architecture of hybrid systems. Components of a hybrid system. Diesel engine operation. Energy storage systems. Design of hybrid system components. Control systems and control strategies. Computer simulation of hybrid systems. Instrumentation and monitoring of hybrid systems.

Bibliography: 1) Hunter, R., Elliot, G., "Wind & # 8208; Diesel Systems", Cambridge University Press, 1994; Nacfaire, H., "Grid-connected wind turbines", Elsevier Science Publishing, 1988; 2) ANSI / IEEE 1021 Standard. “Recommended Practice for Utility Interconnection of Small Winds; 3) Energy Conversion System ”, IEEE, 1988; De Bonte, J., Klerks, W.M.A., "Recent Results of e 4) ECN Diesel Wind Project", ECN & # 8208; R & # 8208; 88 & # 8208; 088, 1988.


ADVANCED PRODUCTION SYSTEMS (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Items: Lean Production and Manufacturing Systems: Introduction, production strategies and production systems, origin of lean manufacturing, concepts of waste and best continuums, value chain mapping, overview of lean practices. Partnerships in the Production Chain and Demand Forecasting: Introduction, long-term partnerships, PCP set, demand forecasting model, PMP and demand scaling. Master Planning and Production Leveling to Demand: Introduction, PMP functions, PMP and capacity analysis, PMP and factory balance, PMP and reduction of batch sizes. Production in continuous flow: Introduction, production focus, manufacturing cells, assembly lines, cycle time, standard operations, standard operations routines, versatility. Batch Size Reduction Introduction, training of delivery times, economic batch and ME, quick tool change, supply chain management. Production Programming Pulled by the Client. Introduction, pushed vs. pulled programming, kanban system and its devices, sizing the kanban system, pulled programming features. Automation and Problem Prevention: Introduction, automation and error testing devices, total quality tools: problem identification, problem analysis and prioritization, problem solving and standardization of solutions.

Bibliography: 1) BLACK, J. T. The Factory with a Future Project. Porto Alegre, Bookman, 1998; 2) GUINATO, P. Toyota Production System: more than just just-in-time. Caxias do Sul, EDUCS, 1996; 3) HARMON, Roy L .; PETERSON, Leroy D. Reinventing the Factory: modern productivity concepts applied in practice. Rio de Janeiro, Campus, 1991; 4) HARMON, Roy L. Reinventing Factory II: modern concepts of productivity applied in practice. Rio de Janeiro, Campus, 1993; 5) IMAI, Massaaki. Kaizen. São Paulo, MacGraw-Hill, 1989; 6) LIKER, Jeffrey K. The Toyota Model: 14 management principles from the world's largest manufacturer. Porto Alegre, Bookman, 2005; 7) LUBBEN, Richard T. Just-In-Time - An Advanced Production Strategy. São Paulo, MacGraw-Hill, 1989; 8) OHNO, Taiichi. The Toyota Production System: in addition to large-scale production. Porto Alegre, Bookman, 1997; 9) MONDEN, Yasuhiro. TOYOTA Production System. São Paulo, IMAM, 1984; 10) MOURA, Reinaldo Aparecido. Kanban: the simplicity of production control. São Paulo, IMAN, 1994; 11) SCHONBERGER, Richard J. Universal Class Manufacturing. São Paulo, Pioneira, 1988; 12) SHINGO, Shingeo. The Toyota Production System - From the Production Engineering Point of View. Porto Alegre, Bookman, 1996 and 13) SHINGO, Shingeo. A Revolution in Manufacturing: The SMED System. Productivity Press, Cambridge, 1985.



Syllabus: Total quality: concepts; planning and management; online, offline and online models; total quality in products and services; strategies and tools for implementing quality; quality assessment. Standardization and certification for quality. Control charts. Inspection by attributes and variables. Sampling plans.

Bibliography: 1) CARVALHO, Marly Monteiro; PALADINI, Edson Pacheco; ROTONDARO, Roberto Gilioli; SAMOHYL, Robert Wayne; MIGUEL, Paulo Augusto Cauchik; BOUER, Gregório and FERREIRA, José Joaquim do Amaral. Quality management. Cases and Practice. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Campus, 2005; 2) PALADINI, Edson Pacheco. Quality management. Theory and practice. Second edition. São Paulo, Editora Atlas, 2004; 3) GARVIN, D. A. Managing Quality. Rio de Janeiro, Qualitymark, 1998; 4) ISHIKAWA, Kaoru. Total Quality Control. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 1993; 5) JURAN, J. M. and GRYNA, F. M. Quality Control: basic components of the quality function. São Paulo: McGraw-Hill / Makron, 1991; 6) JURAN, J. M. and GRYNA, F. Quality Control Handbook. São Paulo, Makron Books. McGraw Hill, 1997; 7) JURAN, J. M. Planning for Quality. São Paulo, Pioneira, 1999; 8) JURAN, J. M. Quality from the Project. São Paulo, Pioneira, 1999; 9) MAIN, Jeremy. Quality wars. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Campus, 1994 and 10) TAGUCHI, G. Quality Engineering. São Paulo, McGraw-Hill, 1998.


PARTICULATE SYSTEMS (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Solid-fluid flow. Conservation equations for particulate systems. Particle dynamics. Particle separation. Flow in porous and column filled media. Particle transport. Filtration and Sedimentation. Inertial Collectors: Cyclones. Settings: Standart and Lapple. Cyclone Design Parameters: Collection Efficiency and Pressure Drop. Influence of Geometric and Operational Variables on Cyclone performance. CFD application in cyclones. Particle fluidization: Applications and their characteristics. Fluidization: Homogeneous versus Heterogeneous. Fluidization quality. The minimum fluidization speed. Pressure drop versus speed in fluidized beds. Terminal speed. Types of air distributors. Power consumed in the fluidization operation. Fluidization CFD application.

Bibliography: 1) SOO, S.L., “Fluid Dynamics of Multiphase Systems”, Blaisdell Publishing, 1967; 2) DAVISON, J.F. 7 HARRISON, D., "Fluidization", Academic Press, 1971; 3) MARCHELLO & GOMEZPLATA, “Gas-Solids Handling in the Process Industries”, Marcel Pekker, 1976; 4) JOAQUIM JÚNIOR, C. F .; Cekinski, E .; Nunhez, J. R .; Urenha, L. C. Agitation and mixing in the industry. Rio de Janeiro: LTC, 2007; 5) KUNII, D. & LEVENSPIEL, O. Fluidization Engineering, 2nd, USA, 1990; 6) WEN, C.Y. Fluidization, Solids, Handling, and Processing. Industrial Applications, 1nd, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1998; 7) VERTEEG, H.K. & MALALASEKERA, W. An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method, 2nd, England, 2007 and 8) MASSARANI, G. Fluidodynamics in Particular Systems, Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ, 1997.


THERMAL SYSTEMS (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Fundamentals of thermodynamics: Analysis of the first law of thermodynamics. Analysis of the second law of thermodynamics, Exergetic process analysis. Heat exchangers: Introduction and definitions, Main phases of heat exchanger design, Types of heat exchangers, Diagram of heat transfer area versus temperature, The DTML method, The effectiveness method for the analysis of heat exchangers global variable heat exchange coefficient - Colburn method. Production and Use of Steam: Forms of Steam. Condensation. Steam Pipes. Dimensioning of Steam Networks. Condensate Capture and Removal: Condensate Separators, Traps, Condensate Piping, Condensate Pump. Vapor Pressure Reduction. Re-evaporation steam. Thermal expansion of the pipes. Thermal Insulation of Pipes. Industrial Combustion: Combustion Principles, Practical Exercises, Pre-Mixed Flames, Jet-type Diffusion Flames, Liquid Combustion, Practical Exercises, Solid Combustion, Flame Stabilization.

Bibliography: 1) M.J. MORAN AND H.N. SHAPIRO, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics. 3rd edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996; 2) KAKAÇ, Sadik and LIU, Hongtan. Heat Exchangers: Selection, Rating and Thermal Design, 2nd Ed, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2002; 3) WOODRUFF, E. B .; LAMMERS, H. B .; LAMMERS, T. F. Steam-plant operation. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1984 and 4) TURNS, R. STEPHEN, “An introduction to Combustion: Concepts and Applications”, McGraw-Hill-Inc, New york, 1996.



Syllabus: Discipline of Various syllabuses.



Syllabus: Variable.


HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Mass transfer by diffusion. Diffusion models in gases, liquids and solids. Convective mass transfer. Transient mass transfer. Mass transfer with chemical reaction. Simultaneous transfer of heat and mass. Mass transfer between phases. Liquid solid extraction. Leaching. Absorption. Adsorption.

Bibliography: 1) M. A. CREMASCO, “Fundamentals of Mass Transfer”, 2nd Ed., Editora da Unicamp, 2002; 2) J. R. WELTY, R. E. WILSON and C. C. WICKS, “Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer”, 4th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2001; 3) SEADER, J.D. AND HENLEY, E.J .; “Separation Process Principles”, 2nd. edition, Wiley, 2005 and 4) TREYBAL, R.E .; “Mass Transfer Operations”, 3rd. edition, McGraw-Hill, 1980.


COMPUTATIONAL UTILITIES (3 Credit Units, 45 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Systems and models: Types of models, conceptual models. Signals, systems and modeling: Types of signals, Types of systems, Modeling. Numerical solution of differential equations: Runge Kutta, Euler and Trapezoidal method, Flowchart for implementation, Simulation diagram. Use of Matlab for simulating dynamic systems: Scalars, vectors, matrices; Flow control and graphics; Functions; ODE solution: By own code, predefined functions, By transfer function and equation of states. Use of Simulink for simulating dynamic systems: Building models in simulink, Continuous and discrete systems in time, S-functions, ODE solution: By simulation diagram, By S-functions, by transfer function and state equation.

Bibliography: 1) Computer Simulation - Fundamentals and code implementation in C and C ++. Antônio E. S. Carvalho, J. Manuel Feliz Teixeira. Publindustria Technical editions. 2001; 2) Modern Control Engineering, Katsuhiko Ogata. Prentice / Hall do Brasil. 1982; 3) Numerical Analysis: Mathematics of Scientific Computing. David Kincaid, Ward Cheney. Brooks / Cole. 2002; 4) Numerical Methods for Scientists and engineers. Richard W. Hamming. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1962; 5) Matlab 6.5 - Fundamentals of Programming. Élia Yathie Matsumoto. Erica. 2002; 6) Introduction to Simulink-with Engineering Applications. Steven T. Karris. Orchard Publications. 2006; 7) Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems. William E. Boyce, Richard C. Diprima. Guanabara Two. 1979; 8) Robot Control. João Bosco M. Alves. Cartagraf. 1988; 9) A Dynamical State Space Representation and Performance Analysis of a Feedback-Controlled Rotary Left Ventricular Assist Device. Marwan A. Simaan, Antonio Ferreira, Shaohi Chen, James F. Antaki, and David G. Galati. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 17, No. 1, January 2009; 10) Nonlinear Control Via Approximate Input-Output Linearization: The Ball and Beam Example. John Hauser, Shankar Sastry, and Petar Kokotovid. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 31, No. 3, March 1992 and 11) Matlab 7 & 6, Complete course, Vagner Morais, Cláudio Vieira, FCA Computer publisher, 2006.