The Federal University of Pará (UFPA), a pioneer in the training of human resources in the Amazon, has a duty not only to monitor the growth of industrial activity in the Region where it operates, but also to act actively in order to make this possible. process. In this sense, the Graduate Programs of the UFPA Institute of Technology offer academic master's and doctoral degrees in emphases with affinities to the industrial demands of the region. However, even though they are recognized by CAPES, the Programs face a great difficulty to make it feasible for professionals from companies in the region to attend regular Stricto Sensu graduate courses, due to the time, duration, or even the content of the program itself. course overloaded in theory, which makes it difficult to monitor those who attend it, without the possibility of exclusive dedication.
In view of this reality, the Process Engineering Graduate Program of the Institute of Technology of the Federal University of Pará (PPGEP / ITEC / UFPA) proposes to offer a continuing education course, at the Professional Master level, emphasizing new technologies in the area of Transformation Process Engineering, aiming to update and train professionals from industries in the Region who cannot dedicate themselves exclusively to their regular Stricto sensu graduate courses.
Thus, the PPGEP fits perfectly in a market with rapid technological evolution, seeking to serve industry professionals who feel the need for a theoretical basis in their area of interest, as well as an update in technological aspects, but who do not have time available. or interest in academic Stricto Sensu courses. In this way, it is expected to be able to contribute to the consolidation of a model of regional development and training of human resources compatible with local expectations, demands and capacities.
Another important factor to consider is that, with regard to the specific training of professionals at the Master's Level in the two (02) lines of the PPGEP, the Amazon Region has consolidated courses only in Belém, which is located in the extreme northeast region of Region. Thus, the PPGEP proposes to offer classes according to the demand that arises, whether by companies distributed mainly in the State of Pará or in the other States of the Region in collaboration with local institutions.
The Process Engineering Graduate Program was recommended at the 133rd CTCES Meeting held on February 28 and 29, 2012 and recognized by MEC under the terms of Ordinance No. 11, of January 4, 2013, published in the D.O.U. on 1/8/2013.
The target audience of this Professional Master course is composed of Engineers graduating from Engineering (Electrical; Automation; Computing; Mechanics, Chemistry, Civil) or others who wish to obtain qualification to work in this important area, today considered indispensable for the development of any activity industrial.
In summary, the justifications presented give the dimension of the need and importance for the Amazon Region of the Process Engineering Graduate Program, at the level of Professional Master's, with the lines of Industrial Processes and Process Control and Automation, at the Institute of Technology at the Federal University of Pará.